1. Only SERIOUS mermaid spells, please. Via collegehumor.com 2. I believe the term is “little people”… Via thoughtcatalog.com 3. Where’s Bill Nye when you need him? Via buzzfeed.com 4. That’s not how it works. Via complex.com 5. That’s not how it works! Via buzzfeed.com 6. THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS! Via thoughtcatalog.com 7. “You’re the tops. Love, Jesus” Via thoughtcatalog.com 8. Is this a trick question? Via buzzfeed.com 9. I’m pretty sure that’s the cure for heartburn. Via buzzfeed.com 10. Yes. The answer is most definitely yes. Via collegehumor.com 11. Nope. Only moose. Via thoughtcatalog.com 12. Wait. Wouldn’t that ruin your phone then? Via buzzfeed.com 13. I think you need a genie for that… Via buzzfeed.com 14. Yeah, but, like, why? Via buzzfeed.com 15. THAT’S NOT WHAT YOU DID AND YOU KNOW IT! Via answers.yahoo.com 16. I think you’re confusing crocodiles with GAYtors. Via buzzfeed.com 17. He probably is… Via buzzfeed.com 18. I don’t even know where to begin with this one. Via buzzfeed.com 19. This question is a two-parter. Via thoughtcatalog.com 20. He’s clearly not trying hard enough. Via mensxp.com 21. You must be looking at city pigs. Via yahooanswerswtf.tumblr.com 22. So THAT’S why we rub Buddha’s belly… Via complex.com 23. Well if that didn’t work… Via mensxp.com 24. See, this is why we can’t trust microwaves. Via mensxp.com 25. Only if you’re willing to trust a microwave. Via yahooanswerswtf.tumblr.com 26. Sounds like you have a broken cat. Via buzzfeed.com 27. All your gravity are belong to us. Via yahooanswerswtf.tumblr.com 28. Wait. He wasn’t born from bats? Via yahooanswerswtf.tumblr.com 29. Which one? Via yahooanswerswtf.tumblr.com 30. Oh, most definitely. Via yahooanswerswtf.tumblr.com 31. You have to wash the dirt first, duh! Via listsworld.com 32. I’m pretty sure that’s the only way to tell… Via complex.com 33. Define “tiny roll.” Via complex.com 34. You idiot! You have to recycle that! Via complex.com 35. It’s a new family tradition! Via reddit.com 36. You’re asking the wrong question. Via complex.com 37. Paging Neil deGrasse Tyson. Via yahooanswerswtf.tumblr.com 38. The m-word. Via yahooanswerswtf.tumblr.com Source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/mrloganrhoades/38-yahoo-questions-that-will-destroy-your-faith-in-humanity