
Automating Video Poking

“Poking” is a technique by which you create a quick video to test whether it is easy to rank a video for certain keywords. If you can get a video at the top of Google easily, it is then worthwhile creating a “real” video for those keywords. It is a good way to go through a whole lot of possible keywords to work out which you can rank for.

It is also a good way for video marketers to get new clients. If you put up a quick video that basically says “Hey look I am on page one of Google for this search term – wouldn’t you like me to do this for you?”.

There are two problems with doing this. First, it can be time consuming and/or expensive to actually make all these videos. And second, it takes time, and is boring, to do it over and over.

Here’s the thing. Most internet marketers won’t tell you this, simply because they don’t even know about it. Most internet “experts” will tell you that to make a lot of videos will take a lot of time, and the only way to do it is either to do it yourself, or hire a VA. But hey – right in front of you right now you have a computer. Why not use it for actual computing, rather than just as a portal to the Internet? Get smart – this is one of the best-kept secrets online today. Want to know how to do this over and over, at no cost to you?

In this video, I have resolved all that. I show you EXACTLY how to create these videos using YouTube editor (, with only a single image to start you off. No fancy or expensive tools needed.

Then I go on to show you how you can automate creating as many of these videos as you like, using a csv file as input. You will be using Firefox browser and a free add-on called iMacros. You can find out more about iMacros at

Once you have watched the video, I invite you to visit Online Marketing Courses, and get access to the actual macro that I created, as well as further notes (including a written summary). All free. The catch? You will then be on my mailing list, so I will be able to let you know when I have other things available, both free and paid.

See you there!


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