Product Diversification for Small Businesses
How small local businesses can diversify their product range to help their customers and improve cash flow, without expensive outlay for stock.
How small local businesses can diversify their product range to help their customers and improve cash flow, without expensive outlay for stock.
How someone who is not in the USA can get USA clients for their Internet Marketing business? This is how I expanded from Australia to the USA.
Pay-Per-Call Marketing, also known as PPC, is a good way for businesses to get “a high quantity of high quality calls, that are targeted to their business needs. These calls are delivered at the exact moment that consumers are ready to buy. ” That quote is from leading PPC company, who say, “With RingPartner, […]
One of the blogs I like to follow is from WPMU Dev This Melbourne-based company provides excellent WordPress plugins and themes, and, as a big fan of WordPress Multi-site I love their Multisite plugins in particular. Recently, James Farmer wrote the second in a series on Starting Your Internet Business. He wrote In this post […]
An explainer video usually sits on a website’s homepage or landing page and is a way to welcome your guest and give them a broad overview of your business.
Here’s how to find contact details for businesses in a particular niche, using Google.
Want to learn How to Double Your Email Open Rate? [svpVideo v=1] What is an open rate? Open rate is a measure of how many individuals on an e-mail list open (or view) a particular e-mail campaign. The open rate is usually expressed as a percentage, and we determine it as follows: Total emails opened […]
If you are selling craft items on Etsy, you probably already know that the way to succeed is to do your own marketing. You need to be actively working to send people to Etsy, to your product pages, in order to get them to buy. It is no longer simply a matter of “build it […]
Perhaps the most neglected and least understood page on any website is the “About Me” page, that page that introduces you, your team and your business to the world in general. Here’s the thing: Your “About Me” page is valuable real estate, and you should put as much effort into it as you do your […]