What is WordPress?
WordPress is quite simply the most popular web site building software right now. It has been estimated that around 22% of all new web sites built in the USA in the last year used WordPress. If you know what you are doing, it is quite possible for you to install WordPress onto your own hosting for free, and then add more features (called plugins; some free, some paid) to create pretty much what you are getting here.
But what we are doing, is doing it for you. Taking the no-tech approach so that you don’t have to know how to do all that. You have enough to worry about with running your business to have to also learn how to build web sites.
There is a quick overview video of WordPress here: http://www.woothemes.com/videos/what-is-wordpress/
Please explain some of the terminology
Admin: You will be getting a web site that your customers will see (the “front end”), as well as a place where you can log in to update your web site (the “back end”), called admin.
Theme: Your web site will come set up how you want it (or as close as we can get it). If you are familiar with customising WordPress sites, we can give you access to do this yourself.
Plugin: A plugin is a feature that is added to the basic WordPress system. Examples of plugins are a shopping cart facility, or counters and other bits of programming that have been created by many programmers (including us).
Widget: A widget is a small piece of information or entry box that can be put on a web site. You can choose where these are to go, but they are usually seen off to one side or at the bottom of the site.
Pages: A web site normally has several different sections that can be accessed by clicking on link words from the main, or home page. This FAQ page is an example of a Page.
Posts: If you have a blog, it is like an online diary. Each entry in that diary is called a Post. It is usually accompanied by the date it was added, and can allow visitors to leave comments (which you can approve/disapprove – called moderating).
How easy will it be for me to change the look of the site?
If you are familiar with customising WordPress sites, we can give you access to do this. However, training to do this will not be provided, as it is probably something you might do once, maybe. It takes quite a while to learn to do this properly. We will however tell you where you can find the training material written by the theme builder.
Can I load my own plugins?
Sure! You will have full access to the entire admin, and can add your own plugins. If you have a Silver or Gold level of service, we will upgrade these when we do the other upgrades, if an automatic upgrade is available.
Can I host this myself?
Yes, you can. We can recommend hosting from about $US50 per year, or we can use your hosting. If you intend to use your hosting, let us know before you book, so we can check the hosting is suitable for the site (most is, but you never know).