It’s a bit sad really. Already small business owners are upset about how big retailers just keep getting bigger, and taking more than their fair share of the local market.
You know how it is. You’ve worked hard to get your business where it is. You know you offer great service, and dream of being the best in town. It is hardly your fault if some big congolomerate also sees the potential (which you saw YEARS ago, but nobody believed you). Now, just as things are starting to look good, some Johnny-Come-Lately from the city moves in and takes over your territory.
What can you do? Anything? Can you fight this? It’s all pretty darn scary and confusing.
You probably can’t stop the big guys. You probably can’t beat them into submission either. But you CAN survive. And thrive. The big competitor will bring people to your area who are wanting to buy exactly what you sell. New customers who, once they have had a chance to shop with you, will become big fans, and will go home and tell their neighbours about you.
You know what is stopping you though. You know that the big retailers have big marketing budgets, research departments, technical analysts. They have inside knowledge that you don’t have access to, and they use it to get bigger and bigger and dominate the little guys like you.
Don’t despair. [standout fx=”highlighter”]I’ve got a little-known snippet of information to share with you that will have you stealing customers away from the big shops.[/standout] They won’t know what hit them.
From April 21, 2015, Google is going to be strongly favouring mobile-friendly web sites in searches on mobile devices. And what do visitors to your area use when they are near you? That’s right, a mobile device like a cell phone.
The big competitor probably already has a mobile-friendly web site (but you’d be surprised how many don’t). But there is a really good chance that nobody else in town does.
So when someone is visiting your area and searches Google for what you sell, plus your town, you want to be right there on page 1. Of course the big shop will probably be there too, but the visitor already knows about them. You want to be right there on page 1 as the best local alternative.
Is your site mobile friendly? Find out by testing it with Google’s own tool.
[standoutbox fx=”johnson”]If your site is not mobile-friendly, and you don’t want to be left behind on 21 April, Gecko Gully can build you a mobile site that takes the content from your existing site (and updates it when you update your original site). The new site is fully mobile-compatible, and will be presented to mobile users. Non-mobile users get your original site. Cool huh? Click here to find out about the $1 trial offer.[/standoutbox]