
Usage statistics and market share of WordPress for websites

(Figures current as of 21 June 2014 – source – see that link for current data).

WordPress is used by 60.2% of all the websites whose content management system we know. This is 22.4% of all websites.

Versions of WordPress

Version 3 is used by 98.6% of all the websites who use WordPress.

Version 2 is used by 1.4%.

Version 1 is used by less than 0.1%.


Historical trend

This diagram shows the historical trend in the percentage of websites using WordPress.
Our dedicated trend survey shows more content management usage and market share trends.Historical trends in the usage of WordPress

You can find growth rates of WordPress compared to all other content management systems in our WordPress market report.

Market position

This diagram shows the market position of WordPress in terms of popularity and traffic compared to the most popular content management systems.
Our dedicated market survey shows more content management market data.

Market position of WordPress

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